TikTok, Pour Moi?

TikTok, Pour Moi?

Posted by Carla Rockmore on

When I thought about TikTok before Carla Rockmore videos, I thought it was a dance app. I wasn’t on social media much at all, other than here or there to check what my friends had posted, or to wish someone a happy birthday. Little did I know quite a bit would change in 2020/2021.

In March 2020 I was in Jaipur, India, fine tuning the final designs for my semi-precious jewelry collection that I had been developing for two years. I was a clothing designer for most of my professional career. After my kids were born, I parlayed that into jewelry design because I couldn’t travel as much.

I quickly returned from India when I heard we were going into lockdown when COVID hit, and I was stuck in the house watching Netflix for two weeks straight. Streaming movies and shows kept me busy for a couple of weeks but it became clear I needed to do something creative, even just to get myself out of bed. I knew I needed to DO something different. I mean, if a global pandemic could quickly manifest itself, then maybe there could be a space for me make people
laugh and smile, which I always loved to do.

I had my fabulous closet of vintage and designer clothes, a jewelry wall, a vanity fully stocked with beauty, a smart phone, and a 17-year-old son who could teach me how to edit. That was all I needed. I started by sending my videos to my family and close friends. When I received a positive response, I started to put my videos on YouTube and Instagram. I continued to learn, experiment, and try to improve for the next year. Fast forward to April 2021, and my son suggested I post a video onto TikTok, and within a month I went viral! One day I had 91 followers and within a week there were over 250,000.

It all made me realize that so much can change in a heartbeat. We don’t know what tomorrow may bring, so always make the most of today. It’s never too late to dive into a passion, a hobby, or an opportunity. You should cultivate and develop what you do well and excites you. The key is to not overthink it. Take a leap and dive into those ideas that are often on your mind. If you enjoy and practice your skill, it is worth sharing. There is nothing better than watching somebody
do what they’re good at while lifting everyone up around them at the same time.

If you need some inspiration on where to begin, an old and wise Japanese concept will help. Take what you were educated in, what your hobbies are, and what the community needs, put all three in a blender, et voilà! You have your true purpose. That point of intersection, combined with some hard work (that doesn’t feel like work) is one of the keys to happiness. That’s your sweet spot, and you’re the only one in the world with those specific combination of skills. You are a superstar!

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